Tuesday, March 21, 2006

How much do you really want to Embrace?

I am called to speak with some force and anguish today. And I love it. It is so hard to explain this place of utter paradox. Most people just don't seem to really get it! The moment I begin to speak & express this tantric admixture, some (with the very best of intentions) assume I need some fixing. That somehow, I am suffering oh so dearly & just need to get in touch with the cosmic Unity principle (witness, timelessness, etc.) & then I won't suffer.
WHAT IS WRONG WITH SUFFERING? Lean into it a little more & you find that the sufferer vanishes. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PAIN? I am reminded of these colossal tectonic plates moving beneath the earth, crashing violently, tranforming & molding our planet. Is this not Love, as well? It is these tensions, if we can allow ourselves the freedom TO REALLY become them, that truly transform us. & I can have compassion for the fact that most just need to turn away. To fight to reach the upper plateaus of peace & light. Awesome! Kewl! Enjoy! But stop fucking trying to make everyone else do the same! Sometimes all that is needed is your simple presence of holding space for that pain that transforms it. The energy can run its course & bless & serve us. It's like eating a triple chocolate & caramel brownie.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Life as Mirror





Gliding into the recoil.

Oh these tantric dynamics.

My Heart is beating.

The Universe is dying.

I am.

We are.

Such is This.

Friday, March 17, 2006


I wish I had something profound to say.

Sometimes this whole thing can be very confusing.

Every thing is a symbol.

& I am human.

Am I dead yet?

All of this will pass away.

I am so Alone.

Let me be Alone.

Don't move away from Her.

Embrace this Aloneness.

It is who you are.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Descent of the Supermind

I wasn't until I just sat down now to write this that the experiences of today led me to look up Supermind. I have been having pretty intense pressure in my head since early this morning. It has been steady all throughout today. I have read a few things of Sri Aurobindo over the last few years & know that Ken Wilber, Mike Murphy, & Andrew Cohen were all heavily influenced by his philosophy.

I'll let you all in on some of my deepest secret wishes & prayers. I've been talking to God for, well, as long as I can remember. I mean there's been very few periods in my life where I didn't speak to Him/Her/It in various ways & forms. I've had this deep desire to turn everything over, my body, my speech, my mind, my activities, & my qualities. I grew up so alone that this was my only solace. When I say turn everything over, I don't mean to some specific concept of God per say (although it has taken on many of these outward forms over the years), but now that wish is to Merge with that Mysterious Unknowable, in the truest possible essence. My prayers are something like, "May I deeply do thy divine will without falling prey to False Idols (my own limited conceptions of what that would mean), but your deepest, truest will, for the sake of us all." I think I am in some ways moving closer to that wish, or rather it is moving me.

Even in the darkest of my life experience in the midst of when I felt I was totally abandoning God & completely in my Ego, there was the wish may this somehow be of service. I felt I could die, or I would do anything for the real True God. For US.

This pressure almost feels as if its changing the structure of my mind itself. It's as if I have finally stopped running away from God & now It is descending with such intensity my body-mind is having to slowly allow this force to fully inhabit me.

I am afraid of saying these things but at the same time I feel I must say them. I am so human. I am limited, fragile, broken, have made millions of mistakes & have a pile of karma & yet at the same time I am surrendered to my Creator, & I am the instrument of my Mother & my Lover.

This pressure is moving me, cooking my brain, & boiling my blood. I have no idea what will become of John. I have also come to love him dearly. This is all so beyond me & yet it is me. I can only fall flat on my face.

In Jan of 2004, I met Mike Murphy & he talked about Sri Aurobindo's personal Autobiography. Sri Aurobindo kept a personal journal of his yoga. It only got published in 2001. I bought it & tried to read it in 2004. It's so amazing & an incredibly challenging read. The guy spoke 14 languages! When I started reading it, I had the thought, this is me! I felt so drawn to this personal autobio. It's 2 volumes of 1000 pages each written for himself personally. You need a Sanskrit dictionary just to get through the first 4 pages! I left the book when I went back to Hawaii & found it just recently in my California car. For some reason I put Aurobindo's picture on my alter & started to read from it after meditation.

This will be a long & amazing journey to read it. I'll keep you posted.

Tonight I felt the first inklings of what I think is that Supermind & its COLLECTIVE! It's US. It requires all of us.

I also have to pay deep homage to Ken Wilber. The context & map he is bringing in allows for a fuller embrace of this Kosmos. It allows these spiritual discoveries to not get misinterpreted. It allows for these perspectives to find there place in this collective unfolding without marginalizing other perspectives.

"......where it merely asserts identity of abstract (third-person) markers. Those markers are real enough, but they only represent a narrow slice of the Kosmos, a slice generated from real-world sentient beings through a series of abstractions, collapses, and reductions, so that only a few of the dimensions of being-in-the-world are represented, and are represented in a way that deceptively appears that they are not perspectives of sentient beings but simply a view of "the way things are," or what Nagel so aptly called "the view from nowhere." This allows such collapsed cognitions to imagine a Kosmos built of abstract relations and insentient beings (which is itself a perspective of their sentience).
In other words, all of them are pre-quadratic attempts to derive the essentials of the Kosmos from a starting point that prejudicially has already collapsed the essentials out of existence and thus must attempt to recover those essentials with epicycles of further abstractions. Again, I am not saying that aspects of their work are not true; I am saying that they have abstracted their conclusions out of the matrix of indigenous perspectives and then presented them as "the way things are," oblivious to the perspectives in which their "views from nowhere" actually arrive.

This is certainly the case with "metaphysics" in general, whether we find it in Plotinus, Shankara, Asanga, Padmasambhava, Gurdjieff, Hegel, Rudolph Steiner, Carl Jung, William James, or the greatest of recent metaphysicians, Aurobindo. To the modernist and postmodernist critiques of metaphysics, we add the integral critique: their metaphysical systems are interpretations of their own spiritual experiences; the authenticity of the spiritual experiences is not in any way questioned, but the adequacy of their interpretations is: they have unconsciously abstracted, from the matrix of indigenous perspectives, a third-person overview that arrives on the scene secretly privileging the view from nowhere, even (or especially) when it emphasizes the importance of experience, spiritual awareness, feelings, or consciousness: all of those are, in fact, hidden low-order abstractions, and, as such, are the very heart of the metaphysical approach that all post-metaphysical integralism must struggle beyond. If "direct experience" and "consciousness" are already low-order abstractions mistaken for realities (and hence are metaphysical ghosts), the notions of "levels of being," "levels of knowing," "ontological planes," and so on are even worse: they are abstractions of abstractions of abstractions, even though the experiences that those interpretative frameworks are trying to represent are authentic enough. (In this regard, Aurobindo is the most offensive metaphysician in that he is the most accomplished; one can only stand in awe of his metaphysical system.)

Again, I am not questioning their realization or enlightenment or spiritual experiences; I am questioning the framework that they used to interpret and conceptualize their experiences. Those metaphysical interpretive frameworks are simply not adequate to a postmodern integralism that has grown out of metaphysics but can no longer be contained by it (i.e., integralism transcends-and-includes metaphysics)."

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Penultimate Perspective

I had lots of strange dreams last night. I was constantly shifting perspectives. I was watching myself in the 3rd-person, then I was the person then I was a 2nd-person talking to my 1st-person while watching it all simultaneously. I laid awake recalling my dreams for about half an hour. Then suddenly I jumped to the computer to look at some of Ken Wilber's new writings. I had read this article in 2002. This was prior to my first Zen seshin & my whole dive into Integral Practice. I was stunned, shocked & engrosed. I never understood this stuff before but it suddenly became luminous in my awareness & I began to see things in a way I never have before. Here is that article.
Thoughout today I suddenly began to feel into the interiors of beings (at least that's how it felt from my 1st person perspective). I, We, & Its were colliding & cascading throughout the day.

I've been listening to Namkai Norbu's Dzogchen teachings live on webcast for two hours a day for the last 6 days. I've had many Dzogchen teachings, empowerment's, & read countless books on the subject. I had this revelation today that the Waking Down work is like a super secret Dzogchen teaching. Pure Presence came alive & I intuited Indra's Net, this sparkling jewel of perspectives of perspectives of perspectives & then STOP!!!!!!!!!!!! The World comes alive!



Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Our Condition

Most of my posts come out very spontaneous. I have all of these ideas & understandings that occur throughout everyday. I have amazing epiphanies (at least they seem so to me) several times a day. When I come to sit down & communicate them it can be very challenging to write & convey the depth of these experiences & understandings. I had a small audio recorder I used to use when having these Ah ha moments. I lost it & I should probably get another.

In the last few days I have been through the depths of deep Anger & Sorrow to sublime states of Deep Joy & Subtle Bliss. Such is this Condition. I am beginning to feel into how I am changing, how my mind disidentifies with its current understanding & shifts into a deeper multidimensional perspective. How curious that this Mind-Body is able to hold such mind numbing Paradox, but it is actually quite simple..... And not. LOL.

It must seem from my posts that I sit in contemplation all day, but it's more like I shift into hundreds of states & roles throughout the day. These posts are for me & they are for you. It helps me to clarify & see what I could not otherwise. We are in many ways blind to who we are. We can represent ourselves to ourselves in ways that others don't see. And others can see & reflect us in ways that we can't alone. Such is this Web of Indra.

Monday, March 13, 2006

A Blast from the Heart of Dzogpa Chenpo

There is a deep secret.

It is here in the Heart of Matter.

It is so close you can't possibly deviate from it.

It is the entire potentiallity of all of existance.

It is none other then true Humanity.

It is none other than You.

And beyond You.

It is Us.

And Beyond Us.

It laughs.

It cries.

It screams at the violence we do to ourselves.

It is the source of that very violence.

Flash Forward.

Join the Party.

You are desperately needed.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

What is Change?

What is it that really changes us? What is it that really makes the difference in our development to higher, deeper, & more inclusive stages of consciousness?

In my own experience, I feel as if I am really starting to taste the fruit of the middle way.

If we think that effort, energy, & discipline are the way then that could become the barrier of the true way.

If we imagine that self-indulgence, relaxation, & grace are the way this could bar the way.

I've said similar words many times before & felt that I "had it."

I was millions of miles away.

Perhaps I still am.

I can never claim Enlightenment until all is aware of This.

The beginnings of a stage comparable to an equalization of pressures, perhaps.

She is so DEEP!

Bottomless. Endless. Dimensionless.

I must say that for some reason, at some point something tugged at my Heart. And it ripped it wide open.

I can feel the self-contraction of the mind. I can feel the energy beginning to loosen. She opens me like a rose.

I love you.

Friday, March 10, 2006

The Union of Bliss & Emptiness

Life is deep & multidimensional. She runs away playfully taunting when we attempt to grasp Her & penetrate Her Mysteries. And yet, what can I do? I am so in love with Her. There is so much. So much.

Today I was given an empowerment in the Tibetan tradition by the head of the Kathok Nyingma lineage.

I am feeling the pit bull of inquiry right at my throat.

How do I explain in words what it is like to face the Self? There is no hiding & yet I want to hide so bad. I don't feel like writing & I just want to crawl away. But there is too much here that has to be said.

I take refuge in the supreme Union of Spirit & Matter.

May all Beings come to know the Divine Mystery.

I am so humbled. Can this human form hold such Beyondness & Luminosity?

I am seeing clearly & yet I am totally baffled.

When one enters into the Great Perfection, if such a thing can be entered into, the experience is so shattering one can never be the same.

I feel as if I have died & must face every inch of my karma right now.

Every action now is magnified. I cannot hide from this blinding intensity.

It calls & I must respond. I have no choice.

Can Ego really stop this? Is Ego really an obstacle? Might is not be the very thing This needs to realize This?

This glorious tension.

I am blended.

And offered.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Relationship? & Inquiry




Shadow. Dream.
Who am I?

What guides?

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Zen Productivity

I love knowledge work especially when it flows & I love being organized & on top of business. If one spends energy & attention on the front end with proper scheduling & has a system to capture data, commitments, etc., it can really allow you to take it easy on the back end, moving forward with stress free productivity. Managing emotional states are not always easy for me, & so having a system in place that can get you to do things that can match low & restricted energies is truly liberating. We are truly blessed to live in America.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Conflict & Chaos

Human life is very demanding. At least for one that deeply cares how this all works out. It's easy to just get by & go through the motions asleep especially in this culture. But, if one really deeply cares, really wants to make a difference it can be seriously gut-wrenching. I feel this deep call to evolve. I don't care if its easy or not I must do what is required. It's not a question any more but obligation. And in this process I can also rest in the loving arms of my Mother, the ground of Being. Oh how I love it. LOL.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Inertia & the Evolutionary Impulse

It's strange that only moments before I felt such intense passion & urgency. I might label that as positive. I am suddenly overcome by a sinking feeling in my gut & a sense of inertia. I might label that as negative. What happened in the shift? Do I have a preference for one or the other? I notice as I allow space & room for that sense of inertia & gave it voice it's tension relieved in some basic sense. I do feel better. But is it to feel better that I am here? Sometimes things seem so clear & bright and it seems so easy and natural to move forward & I care deeply about life & the future. At other times I feel burdened & stagnant & I can barely seem to move. Consciousness is now fully intact & self-aware in all of these myriad states. Something else is being born. A fusion of will & grace, of deep aceptance & forward drive. Is such an existance possible? What does that mean? I can only speak this strange Paradox.

Friday, March 03, 2006

The Moral Compulsion

Today has been rather challenging. This morning Crow, Heron, & Turkey(4) all appeared on my way to the Evolutionary Enlightenment Intensive. Andrew's transmission is intense & demanding. I do feel deeply called to evolve, especially in an ethical context. There is within me this drive to reach for higher & more inclusive development, across all lines of development. At the same time there is a deep love & appreciation for the cut offs & disjuncts, something perhaps missing in the way Andrew's message reaches me. I worry about the way his students pick up & transmit his message, but do find deep value there. I am reminded of the hard & challenging work required to face the Fullness of Who We Are. An awakened life is not easy but I couldn't trade it for anything.

Last night I dreamt that Saniel invited Adi Da to his house and was entertaining him. He was very corgial to me and talked fondly of Saniel.

Lots of pressure in my head..... time for bed.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Reaching out to touch Her

What an amazing day. The last two days I have noticed so many animals..... Possum(1), Horse(too many to count),Humming Bird(4), Vulture(to many to count), Hawk(3),Spider(1), Deer(4), Cow(too many), Goat & Sheep(too many & little babies), Cats,Dogs, and Frogs. I am so in love with our wonderful friends that we share our planet with & each brings us lessons & gifts if we pay attention.

My brain is buzzing........ I have a strong desire to get a degree in Cognitive Science & then pursue grad work in Bioenergetics. Perhaps my AS in Physics can finally be applied. I know there are interesting biomagnetic fields that are created by the ways we use our body-mind and I am fascinated. It seems that animals may be in touch with these fields as well. I notice birds flying over my head all the time. I like to think I attract them. Perhaps I do, I certainly love them. I had begun training with a Taoist master in Hawaii who I learned a little about magnetic polarity and the secret practice of Kunlun. I hope to learn some more from him one day.

Tomorrow I am on retreat with Andrew Cohen for 3 days. I've appreciated What is Enlightenment? magazine and a good friend of mine is on Andrew's marketing team. I also know that Saniel & Linda will be meeting Andrew for the first time. I also know there are philosophical & practical differences in their respective approaches. What lovely tension! I have no idea what will come of it or what to expect, so we will see. I do know we are all needed. Adi Da is back giving Darshan to non-followers. How very interesting. I have to meet all these people and see what happens.

Jamgon Kongtrul was a famous Tibetan Buddhist that refused to swear allegiance to any particular school. He studied and had teachings with hundreds of teachers within the various sects and formed the Rime (non-sectarian) branch of Tibetan Buddhism. I feel drawn to his Archetype.

May all Beings have Deep Happiness beyond conception
May they transmute Suffering into its essence
May they not be cut off or separate from all their Parts
May they know the Secret Transfigured Integration of Spirit & Matter

Om Dare Dare Bandare Svaha Jaya Jaya Siddhi Siddhi Pala Pala Ah Ah Ha Sha Sa Ma Ma Ma Kolin Sa Men Ta

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


I feel burdened heavily by practical concerns and the commitments I have made both to myself and others. Thank god for David Allen. If it wern't for incorporating his productivity principles......... actually thank God for being Awake! If it wasn't for the fact of being in touch with the Eternal, Unchangeable, I don't think I could even be alive with such pressure. And it seems like it will only get worse for us as the world becomes more complex and challenged by the unfolding of events. As Saniel mentions, "It takes embodied consciouness just to make it through a typical 21st century day." I really feel the Waking Down work to be of great importance to our collective future and as yet has gone largely unnoticed, at least compared to some of the other hypermasculine dharmas that are out there. Not that they don't have valuable insights, practices, & methodologies we can utilize to advance the various lines of development. It just seems that getting the conscious principle alive and embodied quickly is a grave necessity if our humanity, the Earth, & her inhabitants are to survive.

I wish I could just work on these writings all day. I feel as if I have so much to say. But alas, I must pay my rent and do what I can in this fragile, limited, beautiful, divinely human body.