Friday, March 03, 2006

The Moral Compulsion

Today has been rather challenging. This morning Crow, Heron, & Turkey(4) all appeared on my way to the Evolutionary Enlightenment Intensive. Andrew's transmission is intense & demanding. I do feel deeply called to evolve, especially in an ethical context. There is within me this drive to reach for higher & more inclusive development, across all lines of development. At the same time there is a deep love & appreciation for the cut offs & disjuncts, something perhaps missing in the way Andrew's message reaches me. I worry about the way his students pick up & transmit his message, but do find deep value there. I am reminded of the hard & challenging work required to face the Fullness of Who We Are. An awakened life is not easy but I couldn't trade it for anything.

Last night I dreamt that Saniel invited Adi Da to his house and was entertaining him. He was very corgial to me and talked fondly of Saniel.

Lots of pressure in my head..... time for bed.