Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Mystic Swims in the Same Water the Madman Drowns in ; The Emotional Seasons of State Always Change

Thank you Vidyuddeva for your timely lesson.

This being human is a guest house
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi

When we can make room for all of those crazy emotional ups and downs that we all experience without identifing with them & even at appropriate times fully identifing with them we become a Container. When we make room in our own consciousness for all of what we fear may sweep us away or destroy our precious fantasy world we begin to intimate the Real. It is the Real that is unstained; the purest Joy. All that we know will someday pass away but the Real never will. Live Real.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Empty Blissful River Flows Freely Through Me

Oh, happy are the myriad manifestations!
The more ups-and-downs, the more joy I feel.
Happy is the body with no sinful Karma.
Happy indeed are the countless confusions!
The greater the fear, the greater the happiness I feel.

Oh happy is the death of sensations and passions!

The greater the distress and passions,
The more can one be blithe and gay!
What happiness to feel no ailment or illness;
What happiness to feel that joy and suffering are one;
What happiness to play in bodily movement
With the power aroused by Yoga.
To jump and run, to dance and leap, is more joyful still.


There comes a time when all of it moves though you so blissfully it is beyond description. At the point of deepest orgasm there is no grasping onto anything. It is Bliss beyond bliss. You see everything and everything can be as it is. There is no hope for a better moment, a better tomarrow. It comes crashing, cascading down......Now, Now, Now. Ah such unutterable Peace. I hate to even use that word because that peace is so violently beautifully ecstatic that the word peace can't ever do it justice.

Two nights ago I had full consciousness from dream to deep dreamless sleep to awakening. And all of that was just as amazing as watching the skyline or petting my cat or writing these words.

Just this.

Kisses to all.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Fearless Bliss of Humility

"It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err."

Mohandas K. Gandhi

"I long to accomplish great and noble tasks, but it is my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble. The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker."

Helen Keller

Thank God for falling flat on my face. Many a time. Thank God for losing every bit of property and material good, I ever owned. Several times. Thank God for sleeping in graveyards. Thank God for breaking bones & being helpless. Thank God for being rejected by my parents. Thank God for Death.

I wouldn't be who I am without these. And I am the Light of the World.

Monday, September 25, 2006

What is Transformation?

What is Transformation?

Before you answer that question, take a moment to.........

Go beyond knowing the answer.

In the space beyond conceptual Stillness.....

Something emerges.

Who are you??

To not know is Pure Knowledge.

Wu-wei is concept free sponteniety;

Acting, Cognizing, Diving deep into multi-layered enacted Injunctions......

Releasing Knowledge in ecstatic Union,

Blessing Universes & touching Hearts.

Eros reaches up into Unknowable heights,

Agape merges into all known Phenomena.

And their Love-Child is none other then....

This glorious Kosmos,

exploding in Being within the Heart of Hearts,

In this & every moment.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

These Writings are Psychoactive Injunctions

"In the metaphysical traditions, an object (or that which is known) existed in or on a plane of reality, so that the referent of a spiritual statement was a reality existing in one of those planes or realms. The subject or knower existed on a corresponding level of selfhood and then simply perceived the pre-existing object. But in post-metaphyics, objects exist in worldspaces that are enacted in part by the knowing subject, and both subject and object of any variety are defined by evolutionary or developmental altitude (not levels of pre-existing ontology) and the perspective doing the enacting (not a perception of epistemology).

Nor are these structures merely subjective, because once evolved, they are trans-individual or collective Kosmic habits, which push against any human psychology and guide its growth. Both "up there" and "in here" disappear into tetra-enacted structures of the Kosmos."

Ken Wilber, Integral Spirituality

In order to know the full Truth of Reality one must Look. To look is to act or take up a methodology. A methodology is given to by a perspective & injunctions. These lead to apprehensions (datum) which can then be compared with others who perform the same methodologies. Anything short of taking up all known methodologies of enacting and understanding reality, will give you only partial perspectives. Claiming a partial perspective to be "absolute truth" locks you into a semi-perspective world which has certain solutions to any known problems. You cannot see it all. You can, however be free in relation to the partial world that arises in your awareness. This is horizontal enlightenment. But, to truly enact the deepest intention of the Kosmos you may lack the necessary skillful means. The moral imperative is that we "evolve". This evolution is mysterious, organic, and unformulaic although it make take structure, form, & require discipline. This science is so new, that I would claim we are creating the very tetra-enacted realities that will further its aims, and this should be done with care in mutuality.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Inner Freedom is a Social Responsibility; Why I do What I do

"Because the source of human conflict, social injustice, and exploitation is in the human psyche, we must begin there to transform society. We investigate the mind, the human psyche, not as an end in itself, as a self-centered activity, but as an act of compassion for the whole human race. We must move deep to the source of decay in society so that the new structures and social systems we design will have a sufficiently healthy root system that they will have an opportunity to flourish. The structures of society need to be transformed, but the hidden motivations and assumptions on which the structures rest need to be transformed as well. The individual & collective values and motives that give sanction to the injustice and exploitation of modern society must become the focus of change as much as the socioeconomic & political structures. We no longer will be able to allow the motivations and values that underlie personal and collective behavior to remain hidden & unexamined. It serves no lasting purpose for us to change the surface structures and behaviors while the deep foundations remain decadent & unsound."

Vimala Thakar

Transformation is my Mission. May all become Illumined.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Gratitude & the Precious Human Birth

Artwork by Tashi Mannox

"I guess I could be pretty pissed off about what happened to me... but it's hard to stay mad, when there's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once, and it's too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst... And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life... You have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sure. But don't worry... you will someday."

Lester Burnham - 1999 American Beauty

I am dumbstuck in the face of this glorious Mystery, my own Human Body, my own Kosmic Body. I fall beyond all conceptions in Humility & Gratitude for ALL OF THIS; every pain, every joy, every horror, every blessing, every honor, every failure, every delusion, every glory, every test, every death, every loss, every gift, every seperation, every rapture, every peace, every disjunct, every last inch of Reality, up, down, north, south, east, west, within. It fills me & I stand Free. May we always remember this Joy beyond joy. May we not be addicted to feeling good, but feel her splendor in everything, everywhere, until the end of all eternity.


Monday, September 18, 2006

Divine Descent

artwork from bentolman

Can't help being human.....

For her

how hard it is to surrender
to find the strength to be weak
to throw myself before you
vulnerable, disarmed

to let your every kiss
come as a lightning
every embrace like a fire
burn away
the walls I build around me
because I'm so afraid of you
who are so obscure
and irresistible

come, with whole of your fullness
with your terrible intensity
and tear away my masks
because there is nothing
I don't want to give to you

for I am tired of fighting
I am tired of being afraid
come, tear me open
I surrender


Sunday, September 17, 2006

Indigo Cognition & the Creation of Morphogenetic Fields of Care & True Compassion

Authentic Thinking occurs at the edge of creation. It unfolds with a choiceless choice. It is creation that is true compassion. It knows no limits and it works within them. It has no ideas for how the future is to be created but it has an Intention. That intention is what I call the Secret Intention. I also equate it with Absolute Bodhichitta. It might be said that we are that. It is sheer Grace. She paints the very fabric of Reality. She is none other then that Reality, my Beloved. May She be known & realized in each and every Heart until there is only Heart & we once again explode in Utter Joy creating afresh our Love Child, this precious Kosmos.


Saturday, September 16, 2006

Relationships & the Need for Mutuality (Intersubjectivity)

"There are three principles in a man's being and life, the principle of thought, the principle of speech, and the principle of action. The origin of all conflict between me and my fellow-men is that I do not say what I mean and I don't do what I say."

Martin Buber

Each of us is desperately needed here. Everyone of us is so important. Without you to reflect me, how can I ever truly know myself? I humbly bow before my Beloved. What is awakened consciousness come together?

Mutuality is a choice. It is a choice that says I am humble. It is a willingness to let the cutoffs & disjuncts come into the light. It is an embrace of our Fullness. It is devine sacred dance in the Heart.

Let us come together and be free in ourselves, surrendered in love & service to our beautiful unfoldment. May Spirit be known.

"All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware."
Martin Buber

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Character, The Over-Soul & Traceless Enlightenment

Artwork by Alex Grey

"Character development is self-realization in the true sense of the word, which includes spiritual, intellectual, and emotional growth. Your soul longs to evolve, while the Over-Soul longs to unfold. In the harmonic longings of your soul and the Over-Soul, your character develops to eflorescence, sharing the fragrance of Heaven and Earth."

Yasuhiko Kimura

I had the opportunity to listen & be in the presence of Ken Wilber & Traleg Kyabgyon Rinpoche over the weekend. The Transmission was astounding & as Ken spoke you could truly Taste it. Of late I have begun to occasionally notice auras when in meditative states & there was a dark indigo around Ken. When I got up close to Rinpoche to have him sign Mind at Ease : Self-Liberation through Mahamudra Meditation I noticed he had the most intense, amazing, colored eyes. They were bright blue with fiery orange yellow around the outer iris. Very kewl.

My Father was in the hospital yesterday due to a drug overdose that may have been an attempted suicide. The intensity & juxtapositions of utter peace & deep tragedies continue to permeate my existance. I felt such intense Aloneness & Weakness over this past weekend, along with a Raging Anger. I am grateful for the Waking Down in Mutuality work. When these emotions arise in Emptiness I can truly embrace them without fear of losing my Self. This is how I hold You & Us.

Both of these events over the last few days have fueled a deep commitment to Practice & a deep fall into the Heart. Thus my character is forged.

"This is the ultimate purpose of spiritual discipline: that there be no self that is enlightened and no event that is enlightenment; or that there be no trace of a self that is enlightened, and no trace of an event that is enlightenment, but only the Kosmos self-illuminating with the Kosmic Light."

Yasuhiko Kimura

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Horizontal Enlightenment, Vertical Enlightenment & Shadow

The Wilber-Comlbs Lattice from Integral Spirituality

I believe Ken Wilber makes a very strong case for a deeper definition of Enlightenment. In his new book Integral Spirituality he argues that one can be trained in states to the point where one can even stably have access to non dual awareness and yet have value systems that are pluralistic. Although training in states of consciousness may give one access to higher awareness, one still interprets those expeiences (even that which is beyond conception) through a cognitive framework (cognition itself develops or goes through stages). He argues for an Integral Methodological Pluralism leading to an Integral Post-Metaphysics which in my mind really begins to shed light on the state of spirituality & on development in general.

It's a beautiful map and an important framework for a truly "Integral" consciousness. See the last post with the quote from Jamgon Kongtrul.

IMP gets to the heart of the matter, laying out on the table all of the various methodologies for revealing the world. Taking them all into account we can begin to really navigate this terrain. Knowing the framework will eventually allow us to transcend it. But, now, right here on this fractal unfolding, its most likely the best map we've got.

Another important distiction Ken makes is the contributions of western psychology in understanding shadow issues, a methodology the traditions don't have in their reportie.

Taking all of these things into account in an Integral Life Practice, we can truly develop and truly be of service to the depth of this mysterious unfolding Kosmos. We can take responsibility for it. We can see our strengths & our pathologies. If we really have the Heart and the deep Secret Intention, we are compelled to evolve. That evolution is mysterious, but there is a map to guide us. And if we don't get lost in the map but See with an open Heart there may just be hope for ourselves & a world gone slightly mad.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Right View

The one who meditates without the view

Is like a blind man wandering the plains.

There is no reference point for where the true path is.

The one who does not meditate, but merely holds the view

Is like a rich man tethered by stinginess.

He is unable to bring appropriate fruition to himself and others.

Joining the view and meditation is the holy tradtion.

Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye

Monday, September 04, 2006

Sanity & Humility

A man whose spiritual brilliance and poetic writing never ceases to amaze me. His experience echos my own in finding out What-Really-Matters.........

From Robert Augustus Masters

We talk of making up our mind, but we mostly just let our mind make us up. An entrancing fiction is the result, so convincingly personified that we take it to be us.

Our innocence doesn’t easily outgrow its naiveté. Blinders come with the operational manual for incarnation. The whispers of other worlds get lost in the hustle and muscle of our overdeveloped concerns. Our romancing of tomorrow ties us to yesterday. Nothing lasts the way we want it to. Whether or not we have what we want, we still experience pain. Worse, we continue dramatizing our pain, thereby turning it into suffering, while addicting ourselves to whatever most pleasurably or potently distracts us from our suffering.

What we refuse to face festers and multiplies within us — and also around us, as if magnetically drawn to us — until it literally takes our place, looking through our eyes and harnessing our energies to its own ends. This isn’t necessarily the
possession of horror films or voodooistic rites, but it is still possession.

What we suppress suppresses us.


Everyone is selling something. Like an old junkie once said, we all push our habits. And we are all looking for release from the pain of our habits’ grip on us — for we don’t have our habits, but they have us — which just creates more pain.
And addiction to release only deepens our addiction to the very pain or tension that makes such release “necessary”. There’s more pleasure in removing tight shoes than comfortable shoes.

Self-suppression and its compensatory addictions eat away our days. A very different, much deeper dance calls to us, but we’re committed elsewhere, or so it seems.

We may be at different stages, but we’re all in the same boat, as close to the threat of shipwreck as we are to being unthreatened by fear, loss, and radical change. The more fearful we are of making waves, the more the waves make us. To make wise use of our time in the boat is to recognize that it is already full of holes, already sinking, already empty. The bad news is that in trying to plug all the holes we only plug up ourselves. Avoiding death deadens us.

Let us move more upstream now: Only one sperm ordinarily reaches and penetrates the egg, but all the others, at essence, live through that primordial and totally absorbing arrival, literally dying into Life, reaching the egg through their shared sperm-ness, unless they remain stuck in — or identified with — their apparent separateness and dreams of being a sperm who really makes it.

And we are all sperm, at best swimming our heads off, and we’re also the egg, the harbor of pure embrace, opening until there is only welcome, and we’re also the matchmaker and the music and the dancefloor, the interactive space wherein it all occurs, and the power that makes it all possible. And more.

Though almost all sperm die before reaching the egg, at best living through the one or two that attain the goal, all of them matter, all are unique, all are individual and have the potential to be fully individual. And what is full or true individuality? It is not only unabashedly idiosyncratic, but also is in conscious, dynamic surrender to its Source, wholeheartedly participating in
whatever contributes to its ripening, its transition from ego-centeredness to soul-centeredness.

Soul is the last frontier of individuality, existing as, but not only as, the self illuminating interface between duality and nonduality. Soul is fearlessness incarnate. It doesn’t mind death. In fact, many, many deaths constitute its ground. And many, many failures, failures that are gratefully taken as compost for awakening to What-Really-Matters.

The sacrifices required of us are overwhelming to whatever in us is less than soul-centered. “I” may claim to want Ultimate Freedom, God-Realization, etcetera, but no “I” really wants to be dethroned or made obsolete. Almost all of us would be terrified to not be centered by a particularized identity. So we constellate ourselves around the prevailing sensations associated with “I”-ness, rarely noticing that such “location” dislocates us from Being, corralling us in time.

Keeping exits open — confusing hypervigilance with genuine awareness — or keeping secret bank accounts — confusing being overinsured with taking care — keeps our awakening work halfhearted, partial, too low-risk, dulled by unnecessary safety nets.

All the sperm die, all the waves end, but it’s not the waste that it may seem to be, if the sperm or waves live wholeheartedly,
for through such fullness some intimacy with what does not die inevitably occurs.

It’s enough to derail regret, not to mention one’s train of thought. Acorns that don’t become oaks uncomplainingly serve as fertilizer for the rare few that do become oaks. They don’t attempt to destroy or discredit those that outgrow their acorn-ness, and nor do they idolize them. The oak towers above the acorn, but does not look down upon it. So too with humans who have awakened from all dreams. It is the slumbering humans who want to tower above other humans, without undergoing the necessary trials that are essential for authentic awakening.

Making it wrong or disreputable or spiritually incorrect to be an acorn only needlessly complicates matters, given that just about all of us are still busy being acorns, brewing up quixotic mindstorms in a nutshell, dreaming of being other than ourselves. We as seeds struggle within our surrounding darkness, afraid to crack our seedcases beyond repair, mistrusting the green imperatives coiled deep within us.

We tend to keep our darkness in the shadows. We let ourselves be enlisted by our past, arming ourselves against what could truly liberate us. We thus become substrate for our dreams, inoculating ourselves against whatever disturbs our slumber.

No matter how many channels we now have, it’s still the same damned set, edited and packaged for more than our pleasure and less than our need.

Comfortably impaled on false altars, we continue practising the art of distracting ourselves from our pain, the very pain that, if awarely entered, is our ticket to Freedom.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Integral Methodological Pluralism

I had the privledge of talking to Ken Wilber today and had a blast. I asked a question as to what a 4th person, 5th person, etc. perspective was and got a beautiful elucidation on stages of development as seen in the cognitive line in its ability to take perspectives on perspectives....

It was quite enlightening to say the least. When the audio comes out, I will post more after reviewing it. Needless to say it is fun to play with these conceptual models and my genuine hope is that they can be used to serve out deepest unfolding. I was struck by Ken's reference to levels of Love.

I am newly committed to a deep Integral Life Practice fueled by my love of being true to as deep a perspective I can manage. I am driven to really digging into the eight zones and moving with the evolutionary current.

Her realization is beyond all concepts of action or will, surrender or grace. She is radiant divine mysterium, multivalent ever-present Suchness. I bow in deep Humility. Embrace the Mysterious Paradox.

For fun check out The Ways we are in this Together

Friday, September 01, 2006

There is no Prescription for Realization

"So long as a person has not achieved a level of responsibility for his or her own existence, he or she is liable to fall victim to all manners of ideologies that are mere extentions of his or her primary egoic need of being loved and appreciated. Ideologies can be regaurded as extensions of the superego, as crutches for the ego in its unwilligness to understand and ultimately transcend itself. Thus, all ideologies tend to be a person's continuing movement toward unconsciousness."

Georg Feuerstein

The wind blows
and She writes.
Just This!
God Laughs.