Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Horizontal Enlightenment, Vertical Enlightenment & Shadow

The Wilber-Comlbs Lattice from Integral Spirituality

I believe Ken Wilber makes a very strong case for a deeper definition of Enlightenment. In his new book Integral Spirituality he argues that one can be trained in states to the point where one can even stably have access to non dual awareness and yet have value systems that are pluralistic. Although training in states of consciousness may give one access to higher awareness, one still interprets those expeiences (even that which is beyond conception) through a cognitive framework (cognition itself develops or goes through stages). He argues for an Integral Methodological Pluralism leading to an Integral Post-Metaphysics which in my mind really begins to shed light on the state of spirituality & on development in general.

It's a beautiful map and an important framework for a truly "Integral" consciousness. See the last post with the quote from Jamgon Kongtrul.

IMP gets to the heart of the matter, laying out on the table all of the various methodologies for revealing the world. Taking them all into account we can begin to really navigate this terrain. Knowing the framework will eventually allow us to transcend it. But, now, right here on this fractal unfolding, its most likely the best map we've got.

Another important distiction Ken makes is the contributions of western psychology in understanding shadow issues, a methodology the traditions don't have in their reportie.

Taking all of these things into account in an Integral Life Practice, we can truly develop and truly be of service to the depth of this mysterious unfolding Kosmos. We can take responsibility for it. We can see our strengths & our pathologies. If we really have the Heart and the deep Secret Intention, we are compelled to evolve. That evolution is mysterious, but there is a map to guide us. And if we don't get lost in the map but See with an open Heart there may just be hope for ourselves & a world gone slightly mad.