Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Deep Embrace

Whole Being Yin-Yang by Ted Strauss

"...there is a rude awakening. Suddenly, the singularity is shattered. What was One is now Many. What was singular and blissful is now infinitely multiple and blazingly uncomfortable on a cosmic scale."
Ted Strauss

I hold You in your Everything & Onlyness. What a shock! What Pain! What Joy!

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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Magic of the Ordinary

Artwork by A. Andrew Gonzalez

"What a Paradox: In a thousand ways our hearts are forever longing to merge with the Source of all pleasure and satisfaction and we are always already that Source. We can neither stop our longing nor stop being the Source. You are the Unity of duality and non-duality. You belong here and all of you is yearning to find its full expression." - Krishna

So much a Mystery She is.
I cannot contain Her.
A Transformation in all events.
I Breathe & Die in Her.
Forget this shocked idea.
I am struck Open.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Alone in Love

Artwork by Linda Bergkvist

"At the core of every human heart there is the paradox of the need and longing for connection and the reality of loneliness inter-mixed with the desire for the joy and peace of the solitude of aloneness."
A.J. Mahari

Sometimes sadness rushes through me like an uncontrolable wave and washes my being in deep sorrow. My Heart is an open Wound. Post-awakening, the sadness, becomes Sadness, untempered & fully entered into with Love-Being. Before I let myself run into dead alley ways, trying to escape its constricting clutches. Tonight I am brought to my knees yet again and She transforms me. I am Crucified in the name of Love.

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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Love is the Wine

Artwork by Shakkal Designs

"To really get into this, we have to get naked, showing up in (and as) undressed Being, allowing ourselves a second innocence, an awakened innocence that strips us of our knowledge and automated certainties and deposits us in the Open Secret of the hyperbole-transcending Mystery of our existence. If our mouth drops open, so be it; if our buttoned-up case of mistaken identity starts to give up the ghost, so be it; if we’re brought to our knees, and prayer becomes not something we do but are, so be it."
Robert Augustus Masters

A white-blazed gazelle
Is an amazing sight,
Red-dye signaling,
Eyelids hinting,
Pasture between breastbones
And innards.
A garden among the flames!
My heart can take on
Any form:
Gazelles in a meadow,
A cloister for monks,
For the idols, sacred ground,
Kaaba for the circling pilgrim,
The tables of the Torah,
The scrolls of the Qur'an
I profess the religion of love;
Wherever its caravan turns
Along the way, that is the belief,
The faith I keep.
Like Bishr,
Hind and her sister,
Love-mad Qays and the lost Layla,
Mayya and her lover Ghaylan.

Poem by Ibn 'Arabi

I'm speechless.

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Sunday, March 18, 2007

Divine Grace

"We must learn to rely only on the Divine Grace and to call for its help in all circumstnaces; then it will work out constant miracles."
The Mother

This breathing is miraculous. This existance is beyond all conception. That the limited be limitless is beyond all beyondness. May all realize. May all be free. May all Evolve.

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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Depth Beyond Depth

Artwork by Luke Brown

When cracks appear in reality
Admitting slivers of another locality
Injecting you with dark unfamiliarity
And reaching for another drink
Or changing how you think
Doesn’t help to get you back
You’ve a chance to ride a truer track
If you don’t get so zealous
Behind the wheel of ambition’s megabus
That you run over what’s always already here
Already more electrifying than fear
So let the cracks widen, let them spread
Let curiosity get the better of dread
Let the unknown dissolve in a deeper unknown
Let yourself see more than what is shown
The undoing that you fear is already here
The mystery of mysteries closer than near
Beyond all familiarity we eventually must go
This we fight, and this we know
When cracks appear in reality
Admitting slices of another locality
You may seem to be near insanity
But the light that streams through
The light that holds every view
Is none other than you

Poem by Robert Augustus Masters

I am sitting here at the edge of the fractal unfolding. It is so simple and so calm. I've spent hours planning & visualizing the future. And now there is just the sweet relaxation of releasing everything, like a Kosmic Orgasm. No-thing-ness. I bow at the feet of my dearest Sarasvati.

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Friday, March 16, 2007

Into the Heart of Fear

“It is our mission . . . to walk out on the stage of this world and reveal to all earth and heaven that the music is not in conditions, not in things, not in externals; that the music of life is in our own soul, our spirit.”

"When we are in doubt and difficulty, when many voices urge this course or the other, when prudence utters one advice and faith another, then let us be still, hushing each intruder, calming ourselves in the sacred hush of the Divine's Presence; in an attitude of devout attention, let us be eager only to know what God shall determine. If we will only get alone, where the lights and shadows of earth cannot interfere and if we can dare to wait there silent and expectant, ere long a very distinct impression will be made and the Will of the Divine made clear"
Quoted from The Practice of Integral Yoga

It is very interesting how much we fear fear. Lean in a little closer and we might discover our own prejudice against the negative. If we are ever to avert real war in the world, we may need to dig deep into our own hearts & see clearly the internal war against all of our dark & shadowy aspects.

Some words from one of my teachers Robert Augustus Masters

I invite you to read Into the Heart of Fear

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Monday, March 12, 2007


Artwork by Robert Pepperell

Every loss must be felt right to the core
Or else there’s a greater loss
Sadness must leave its mind to become grief
Or else it’ll just settle for repressive relief
So let the pain sweep through
And the even truer ache
And especially the bare need
The love beyond love
The pure heartbreak
Robert Augustus Masters

Not Knowing.
Oh how sweet the inhale.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Pleasure Coexists with Pain

The Choice to be here is a heroic one. I cannot help but appreciate those who have embodied. Just being here is an act of love.

I'm Here!

Some choice & timely words from my dear teacher Saniel

Great Relief, Secret #2, "It's Really Hard to Be Here, Isn't It?":

In the mass media's fascination with super-successful, powerful, beautiful, wealthy, talented people, and in so much of the conditioning we receive from parents, religious teachings, spiritual guides, and philosophies, there's a potent, if often only implicit, but practically universal suggestion that contradicts this secret:

It goes like this: "If you're really doing life right, why, hey, it should be easy to be here! And if you're not cool, if you don't have your act together, if being here is not a piece of cake for you ... well, you must not have much of a clue what it's all about!"

That propagandistic suggestion hangs on our chests and our shoulders like an invisible vat of concrete. This book offers a small and perhaps aggravating proposition to the contrary. ... Scratch their surface a tiny bit, and you see that even those "really-together" people either already know or sooner or later discover a secret that's so obvious and so painful it escapes our view for most of a lifetime:

It's really hard to be here.

For every body.


If any body hasn't already been numbed and stung by setbacks, still, every single human body knows or fears they're coming.

And sooner or later, to date, every single body loses the fight and is no longer here.


Not because it, that bodily person, wanted to die. Not really.

No, just simply because it finally got too hard to be here.

Take a deep breath, let that recognition loosen up the cramps in your body, mind, and heart, and a curious release takes place. It can stick with you if you let it. And that's, among other things, a different kind of "Secret" than the one currently getting lots of press...definitely no less true. Maybe a whole lot more so.

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Friday, March 09, 2007

Passionate Enlightenment

"Why does the eye see a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination when awake?"
Leonardo da Vinci

I met Miranda Shaw today as she gave a presentation of Buddhist Goddesses, & some of the deeper meanings of Tantra.

It was a beautiful transmission. Her book Passionate Enlightenment has always been an inspiration for me.

May She come forth to be worshiped & adored. May we see Her in all of Her radiant glory. This Earth, This Body. Her Bliss fills my being and I release it and offer it for the sake of all beings. Such utter Light, empty and clear. I relax into the Womb of Being. May our body, speech, mind, qualities, & activities be Hers.

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The Gift that You Are & The Story We Are Writing Together

"I’m basically a practitioner, and I’m recording my practice so that others can learn from my mistakes. I’m recording what works, what doesn’t work, doing my best for the sake of others to share what I’ve learned, to share the fruits of my practice as well as my mistakes. I would say a lot of what I have learned has been through mistakes, failing and then going “oops” and realizing how to correct. I’ve found that this is one of the best ways to learn. Looking back it can look like one’s life is an ongoing mistake, when you look backwards. But that’s no reason not to continue living life. It means you’re growing and you see that everything you’ve done has been a mistake once you’ve grown beyond it. "
David Deida

I Love You. You are my inspiration. You are the reason I am here. You have a Story to Write. We are that Story. Your choices in every moment become ink in the Kosmic Pen & flow through your actions. This is the Kosmic Quaran. Now! Pick up that Pen & Write!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Your Endless Awakenings

That title reflects the name of a book by Ted Strauss, a senior teacher in the Waking Down in Mutuality work. It mirrors a level of understanding I am living here at the moment. I am lucky, in that the Universe always puts me up against IT in every moment.

I can no longer stand by in the shadows, and am compelled by Love to act & work in the world with a sense of deepening Integrity. As one falls into the Heart of the Secret Intention, life and the proper course of action become clear & the Universe opens up Her Heart & Her Mysteries, providing everything necessary for Her unfoldment in space & time.

I can no longer deny Her call, even though as shattered as John may have been, it is not only his life to be lived, but a life directed and moved by the force of the Kosmos itself. This is in truth the very Islam, the prophet Muhammad, salialahu walehe wasalim, speaks to.

The form is an unfolding fractal pattern, at once fashioned by a myriad of karmic imprints, moving into the unknown with the pure creative potentiality of God, Herself.

On that note;
Stay tuned for the anouncement of a real-time web portal/blog for my Integral Life Practice. This is what she compels me to do for the sake of us all.


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