Saturday, March 17, 2007

Depth Beyond Depth

Artwork by Luke Brown

When cracks appear in reality
Admitting slivers of another locality
Injecting you with dark unfamiliarity
And reaching for another drink
Or changing how you think
Doesn’t help to get you back
You’ve a chance to ride a truer track
If you don’t get so zealous
Behind the wheel of ambition’s megabus
That you run over what’s always already here
Already more electrifying than fear
So let the cracks widen, let them spread
Let curiosity get the better of dread
Let the unknown dissolve in a deeper unknown
Let yourself see more than what is shown
The undoing that you fear is already here
The mystery of mysteries closer than near
Beyond all familiarity we eventually must go
This we fight, and this we know
When cracks appear in reality
Admitting slices of another locality
You may seem to be near insanity
But the light that streams through
The light that holds every view
Is none other than you

Poem by Robert Augustus Masters

I am sitting here at the edge of the fractal unfolding. It is so simple and so calm. I've spent hours planning & visualizing the future. And now there is just the sweet relaxation of releasing everything, like a Kosmic Orgasm. No-thing-ness. I bow at the feet of my dearest Sarasvati.

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