Saturday, March 03, 2007

Your Endless Awakenings

That title reflects the name of a book by Ted Strauss, a senior teacher in the Waking Down in Mutuality work. It mirrors a level of understanding I am living here at the moment. I am lucky, in that the Universe always puts me up against IT in every moment.

I can no longer stand by in the shadows, and am compelled by Love to act & work in the world with a sense of deepening Integrity. As one falls into the Heart of the Secret Intention, life and the proper course of action become clear & the Universe opens up Her Heart & Her Mysteries, providing everything necessary for Her unfoldment in space & time.

I can no longer deny Her call, even though as shattered as John may have been, it is not only his life to be lived, but a life directed and moved by the force of the Kosmos itself. This is in truth the very Islam, the prophet Muhammad, salialahu walehe wasalim, speaks to.

The form is an unfolding fractal pattern, at once fashioned by a myriad of karmic imprints, moving into the unknown with the pure creative potentiality of God, Herself.

On that note;
Stay tuned for the anouncement of a real-time web portal/blog for my Integral Life Practice. This is what she compels me to do for the sake of us all.


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