Monday, February 27, 2006

Which came first, Spirit or Matter?

I am in awe of how precious each of us are and the unique contributions each of us brings to the banquet table. How delicious. My cousin Mark, so full of integrity and responsibility as he struggles to make his business thrive in the midst of many a shark who would eat him alive. Kelly, an old lover, in spite of the fact I withdrew six years ago like a typical male offers to clean my teeth for free. In some ways I feel so unworthy of these miraculous blessings and people. We all carry such amazing grace and such stark disjunctions. I am very curious about these We spaces, the places where we touch and exchange energies. Sex and Space. Sex with a capital S. Union, touch, exchange, penetrating, receiving............ at every level of our beings.......Genital sex being only a metaphor for deeper levels of interaction at every chakra . Saniel calls this "Whole-Being Currency Exchange". It's interesting that today I've been receiving pulses of energy right at my root chakra up my spine. I have been out of balance here for nearly my whole life and I finally feel as if there is a deep healing occurring. The kundalini opened at the heart and crown for me before it moved down. As I write these words there are study waves of energy pulsing at the base and my soles and palms are very hot. Saniel spoke about how each chakra or plexus in the body has a domain or field of exchange and each can also have both a positive and negative expression. Wow, I suddenly became aware of my physical heart beating. I've never felt it quite like that before on the left of my chest. I've experienced the infinitesimal point on the right which is the seat of consciousness but never the actual physical heart as the seat of matter. I am humbled.

I dreamt last night of traveling in underground caverns of running water and the also of Ken Wilber, where we were good friends and drove around in a volkswagon beetle and were up to some sort of mischief.

I listened to the new Integral Naked talk between Andrew Cohen and Ken Wilber on Immortality and found it very interesting. What's interesting is how my crown just became more intensified as I wrote that....... Andrew spoke of the God-Impulse and its ceaseless drive to move forward and how he would get people in his seminars to get how God feels. I wondered, how does Matter feel???? 3000 or more years of dissociation and attempt to get away from Her or penetrate Her. Which came first Saniel asked "Spirit or Matter?" Check your gut response. Explore the perennial philosophy and you get a certain story. I am more in line with the theory that matter is not the lowest rung in the spectrum of consciousness but the outward manifestation of spirit at every level. See A Comprehensive Theory of Subtle Energies by Ken Wilber. I loved how Ken talked about Christ as deep Tantric Archetype ( Is it any wonder there is so much emerging about Mary Magdalene in the world collective consciousness today?) as a symbol for the suffering, awakened one. Oh how I love Jesus. I weep.

It's time for us to become embodied Bodhisattvas. To take the vow to be BOTH nirvana and samsara, to not withdraw from either of those. What is the real Non-Dual? Fucking disaccociated pricks, Wake Down! Love Her. Our beautiful Lilith of the Zohar.

Here's a plug for Healing the Spirit/Matter Split
