Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Force of Destiny part. 2

I am dumbstruck by the shear immensity of what it means to be a divinely human being living in the 21st Century. I am humbled by what I see and aspire to live up to these deep intimations. I feel as if I carry within me the entire history of human kind and I marvel at the complexity and immensity of what that means. It's really time to show up. We are not here to get out of here. We are here to fully be here. As Carl Jung states in An Answer to Job, "It is not us who are seeking to become God, but it is God who is seeking to become Us." As Uncle Ben said to Peter, "With great power comes great responsibility." We must claim our birthright and then act in accordance with what that means. From Cosmos and Psyche "These ongoing archetypal developments affect all of us....some obviously more dramatic than others, but everyone is in some way carrying the whole within them."

In Vajrayana or Tibetan Buddhism it is often talked about that the five emotional poisons of anger, pride, jealousy, ignorance, & lust when transmuted by conscious awareness at their deepest essence are the five wisdoms of clarity, equanimity, unobstructed action, non-conceptual mind, and discernment. Read Kuntungzango's Prayer for an empowerment of this realization.

Saniel talked today about smokescreens and how our deepest wounds and disaccociated patterns when we awaken and they are brought into conscious awareness are transformed and become the very key to our greatest gifts. Self-Sabotage is transmuted into Other-Empowerment. This I see as my gift to humanity. May we become truly Selfish as we deeply understand what really is the Self.