Friday, February 24, 2006

Upcoming Astrology Transits

Last summer I read a book called The Passion of the Western Mind by Richard Tarnas which I really loved and had been anxiously awaiting the release of Cosmos and Psyche : Intimations of a New World View . I picked up the book a couple of weeks ago. I thought the book would pick up where the Passion left off. I expected him to continue and give us his insight into emerging worldviews. This is one of my deep interests from studying the work of Ken Wilber and also Spiral Dynamics. I had no idea it would be about astrology! I am about halfway though and find the book absolutely fascinating. I wonder why he never mentions Wilber in any of his writings? I think it has something to do with the ongoing tension between CIIS/Spiral Dynamics with Chris Cowen and Ken and I-I. This is the very juxtaposition I speak of in relation to Saniel and Andrew, seemingly at odds. I know Ken and Andrew have their differences ( I should hope so!) and it all seems to me good and healthy but I do know there are those on both sides of the issue that have philosophical differences and approaches. I am fascinated by these dynamics and am excited to explore the deeper dimensions of our collective emerging consciousness. Anyhow, I've taken up a study of Astrology ( I know Ken feels there doesn't seem to be any evidence supporting a predictive astrological theory) and have found it to be deeply mind opening. Being involved intensely with Vajrayana, I feel particularly interested in Archtypal energies and such. I work shamanicly with animal and land energies and can only imagine that the stars and planets are related energetically as well. I mean, I can feel it in my body(Body). I am a scientist and a skeptic as well and as yet can't explain these phenomena from a rational perspective but I intuit the deepness and richness of the Kosmos. "There are more things on Heaven and Earth then dreamt in your philosophy, Horatio." I believe we are beginning to re-integrate the Deep Feminine and coming into an understanding of patterns, cycles, and our embededness. At the same time we are also that divine Impersonal Witness who Andrew Cohen seems to be a human incarnate of. Integration! How Blessed! I've just given voice to these Kosmic polarities, Masculine and Feminine. From my studies of Wilber, Gebser, Aurobindo & the like and my immersion in the practices of the traditions and the Waking Down in Mutuality Work I feel something is emerging in my consciousness attempting the bring a full Tantric embrace of the seeming contradicting streams.

So....I'm going to write some of my personal astrology explorations here. I am examining transits in particular which are where the various planets are in relation to my personal birth chart. What I find fascinating is how we relate to our external world. Let me explain what Gebser would call

The Magic structure of consciousness (taken from An Overview of the Work of Jean Gebser )

Around some unspecified time far back in our past, a change took place. Man entered into a second phase of development and gained a new structure of consciousness, the Magical structure. This structure is characterized by five primary characteristics: (1) its egolessness, (2) its spacelessness and timelessness, (3) its pointlike-unitary world, (4) its interweaving with nature, and (5) its magical reaction to the world.[9] A rudimentary self- sense was emerging and language is the real product of this change. Words as vehicles of power are typical of this time and structure; incantations as precursors to prayer emerged. Consciousness, in this phase, is characterized by man's intimate association with nature.

This is perhaps the most notable characteristic regarding this structure. Man, at this time, does not really distinguish himself apart from nature. He is a part of all that surrounds him; in the earliest stages it is hard to conceive that he views himself apart from his environment. The plants, animals and other elements of his surroundings share the same fate as he does; they experience in a similar manner. Latency is still dominant; little is transparent. Magic we can define in agreement with Gustav Meyrink as doing without knowing,[10] and it is magic man who is engaged in this activity in all aspects of his existence. The hunting and gathering, the quest for survival are all activities that consume most of his waking hours. But in the quiet of the evening around the fire; there is time for reflection of sorts. The activities of the day were codified (in speech) and recounted. Memory was collective, tribal, and all things were shared and experienced by all. The "I" is not a factor; the "we" is dominant.

This is a one-dimensional, pre-perspectival, point-like existence that occurs in a dream- like state. Unlike the dreamlessness of the previous structure, a recognition is developing in man that he is something different from that around him. Not fully awake to who he is or what his role in the world is, man is recognizing his self as an entity. The forms of expression for this structure can be found in the art and other artifacts that have been recovered from this time. Graven images and idols are what first come to mind. However, ritual should also be considered here, for it is in the specific and directed execution of certain actions and gestures that conveys much about this consciousness structure. Feuerstein feels that this structure persisted till around 40,000 BC and the advent of the Cro-Magnons.

Tarnas talks about transits ( Taken from URL An Introduction to Astrological Analysis )

The study of transits is especially valuable because it allows us to get a sense for the timing of the planetary archetypes in our lives. Perhaps of all areas of astrology, it is the study of transits that produces the most compelling evidence for the power of the astrological perspective, and its immense pragmatic value. The principle of transits rests on the fact that as the planets continue moving after a person’s birth, they move into and out of aspect in relation to the natal planetary positions. Thus when any planet's present position in the sky forms an aspect to a point that was occupied by any planet at the time of one’s birth (for example Uranus now in the sky forming a conjunction to Venus in the natal chart), then during the period in which that particular aspect is in range one would tend to have experiences that correlate with the planets and aspect involved (in this example, a two-or-three year period in which one would tend to experience the awakening of new love, the stimulation of one's artistic creativity or aesthetic responsiveness to life, a certain restlessness and unpredictability in one's relationships, and so forth).

While the birth chart in itself is a portrait of one’s life and character as a whole, transits to the birth chart reflect the dynamic unfolding of one’s life and character in terms of specific events and experiences. Transits activate the potential that is inherent in the birth chart.

So anyway I'm reading that Mercury is beginning to be in a square relationship to my Moon. Again from Tarnas.....

Mercury represents the principle of mind, thinking, and the movement or exchange of ideas through speaking, writing, and other forms of communication. It governs the capacity to conceptualize and communicate, to articulate, to use words and language, to analyze and comprehend, to learn, to perceive, to mediate, transport, and connect. The Mercury archetype is associated with the Greek mythic figure of Hermes, the Roman Mercury, the messenger of the gods. A major aspect between Mercury and another planet tends to correlate with how one’s mental and neural processes tend to work, how one gives and receives information, and the nature of one’s education and intellectual vision.

The Moon corresponds to how one feels about oneself even before one thinks about oneself--as well as how one tends to relate spontaneously to others and to life's various situations. Like the ever-shifting cycles and phases of the Moon, the lunar part of the psyche, associated with one's moods and feelings, tends to be changeable and fluctuating in character, though on another level its deeply imprinted patterns are very enduring. The Moon concerns one’s immediate psychosomatic mode of response to life that begins in one's earliest years, that is partly a matter of inheritance, and partly forged in one’s early interactions with the world--especially with one’s mother and other mother-figures, one’s family (siblings, father) and one’s early home environment in general. It governs one's sense of belonging (or not), how one tends to nurture and be nurtured, and is associated with both the maternal instinct and the needs and instincts of infancy and childhood. In later life, the Moon reflects the nature of all one's intimate relationships, familial and otherwise, as well as one's home life. In mythic terms, the Moon is associated with certain aspects of the Great Mother goddess, and is yin in nature.

Again, as with the Sun, if any major aspect is formed between the Moon and another planet in one’s birth chart, this second planetary archetype will tend to be especially significant in one’s life. But in this case that second archetype will tend to channel itself through those parts of one’s life governed by the Moon: one’s emotions and moods, one’s infancy and childhood, one’s mother and early familial environment, one’s intimate relationships and domestic life, and so forth. Also, in both women's and men's charts, the Moon tends to reflect significant female figures in a person’s life.

So I can interpret this to mean that the archetypal energy of Mercury is influencing in the part of me associated to the Moon, i.e. the feminine, emotional, psychosomatic aspects of my persona. Perhaps this will indicate an interface between mind and emotions and an deeper ability to understand and communicate my emotions. It's to last through the middle of April. I'll have to let you know.